diet . food . gluten


for the past 3 weeks i have been documenting my journey on the seventeen day diet through instagram on my iphone.  this diet has been fairly easy for me to follow.  i enjoy all that i am able to eat and i am always satisfied after a meal.  i can proudly say by half way through cycle one i had fit back into my "skinny" jeans (read: pre Brie jeans).  and today on d3c2, i am noticing how flat my tummy is becoming, how smaller my thighs look, how much better i feel, and how much energy i have. these are great things that keep me motivated to keep going.  i would love to tell you that i have lost xx amount of weight, however, i am a scale-free home.

i can't lie to you all... there have been moments where i have given in and cheated.  i have had a glass of wine on occasion. i snuck a small piece of dark chocolate one day last week.  i broke down and ordered a latte at starbucks.  i have even had a few bites of bread here and there.

because of my "cheating" i noticed that each time i consume bread i was almost instantly in pain, felt bloated and just very gross and sick.  after testing this a few times over the last 2 weeks (this is why i said a few bites here and there) i have pretty much concluded i must have a sensitivity to gluten.  i have dealt with stomach issues for over ten years, could all of this time i have had an intolerance to gluten?! hmmm.

so here i am, about to change my life again and start living a gluten free life, as well i am committed to the 17 day diet as a way of life as well.

while i still need to finish cycle two before i start adding grains back into my diet, i have been introduced to some wonderful websites for gluten-free cooking & baking.... gluten-free girl and the chef  and  gluten-free goddess.

and you see our journey's always take a new direction when we least expect it.


Amy C said...

Good for you Robyn. I've also heard yeast can be a culprit. You may want to look into that! :) Have a great day!

robyn said...

thanks Amy... i am making an appointment to get tested so i will keep this in mind!!

a Mamacita said...

My goodness!! What an interesting find, for sure. Won't it be lovely to not have stomach pains any more? A few years ago I started removing certain foods from my diet to figure out what what causing me tummy pain. And after removing, then adding back in a TON of things, I finally found the culprit! I have either an allergy or an intolerance for eggs! Who knew? But now I stay away from them like their the black plague!! :)

Sonja said...

I did my testing with a Naturopath at GAIA Health and got tested for food sensitivity against 100 foods. I have removed the items on my high and moderate sensitivity list and tried to reduce how often i eat things on my low list. I feel amazing since I have eliminated these foods and have lost weight. I have been struggling with stomach/tummy pain for most of my life. I can definitely tell when I have a meal that does not follow my diet. I think for me Dairy (casein) is the biggest culprit but also gluten and refined carbs in general are always a cause for weight gain and discomfort.

robyn said...

thanks for all the information Sonja!

Anonymous said...

I love the photos of the food! Cool post! And good luck with the rest of your diet. Good for you for taking control. :)

The Simply Inspired Home said...

Darryl and I cut out alot of meat, and ever since we have never felt better. How did you know you needed to cut out gluten? Curious. I get a lot of stomach ached too.

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