the evolution of an artist


this year has been about change.  it seems every aspect within my life has been going through change. and most of this change is good.

one thing that doesn't change is i am a creative being. dare i say an artist. 

thinking back i guess in some way i have always had a heart and soul of an artist. although that label hasn't always been easy to apply.

 (circa 2000ish)

my love of art and drawing came very young in the form of drawing and sketching. it carried me through until my love evolved into photography.  i knew right away it was going to take over my life. and it did.

but somewhere between there and here, that love got lost a bit.

when i think about last year... i was so frantic. i was just launching my business. taking workshops. building my brand. designing my blog and website. shooting a lot (read: too much) in between it all. having images that were good but that didn't make my heart sing. and then the burn out came.

now back to this year and the changes. i have limited my sessions. i have put more importance on my children and husband. and i have been concentrating on what makes me an artist. i have been doing a lot more shooting for me. i have been documenting my life more.

because of stepping back, the way i approach photgraphy has changed drastically and my style has transformed into something that makes my heart race and fill with joy.  the images below are from my first "one morning" project.  i can't describe what the day did for me, but i know that documenting has become apart of me. and within it has allowed me to really become an artist i can be proud of.

change is inevitable.  it is always happening. at times you need to take charge and direct that change so the outcome is positive. and other times all it takes is stepping back, allowing it to happen. either way you need to trust the process and the path of change.

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