the good & the bad


i have always been a strong belief that everything happens for a reason. the amazing things. the challenging. and even the heartbreaking.  it may take weeks, months or even days to realize what the good is that comes from that bay. but my belief is the only thing that has gotten me out of my dark and hard days that seem to plague me a few years ago.  and maybe at the same time my belief makes the wonderful moments in life so much more meaningful.

i know for sure that who i am is because of all the things that i have experienced.  it is all the good and the bad that have happened in my life that shaped who i am.

all my dark days.  all the pain and hurt.  the days where everything felt hopeless.  when i couldn't and didn't get out of bed.  and my actions only made things worse and me just numb. it took a while for me to heal and some days i am still unsure i am completely.  but by feeling that dark and low has now allowed me to really enjoy the brightness of my life now and reminds me always to be present in them. and most importantly to cherish my little family, because i know too well how our tomorrow is unknown.

my experiences they have made me strong and shaped me into women i am today and i truly believe they have all happened for a reason.  i know that it isn't the bad or the good that define me, but rather all of them together, all of my experiences, that makes up my story.

"the past is our definition. we may strive, with good reason, to escape it, or to escape what is bad in it, but we will escape it only by adding something better to it."

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