beautiful & found


to cut out the figure
the grounding of this
let melancholic drown

to greener reminders
of better pastures
you're beautiful and found

this is their time


this week i have had a lot of my plate, and found myself slipping back into my old ways of working too much during the day. too much when my kids are awake and need me.

i hear this voice...

"this is my time mama, i want you".

i believe


i love this post that Angie wrote yesterday. at the end was a prompt...
what do you believe?

my journey begins


almost four months ago i met Angie, a beautiful kindred soul who has taught me so much over such a short time.  i can hardly believe where i am now.  because just a few months ago i was in a dark and dull place.

i signed up for a mini workshop taught by Angie called documenting the details.  it was an eye opening two weeks.  i quickly had the realization of how important documenting was to me.  i had been doing it with my girls without really calling it that.  yet there was very little of this within my client work. 

that mini workshop was like an awakening i needed to see my world with a fresh set of eyes.

shortly after that i took over a month off from taking sessions.  i detox from facebook.  i limited my time online.  i spend more time with my girls and family.  i was shooting for me.  i reevaluating some toxic relationships and influences.  i worked on the business side of little bug and detoxing my portfolio and introduced my true style. 

and you know what. that month was the best month i had professionally and personally. i had a number of miraculous things happen.  and i truly believe by me stepping back allowed myself to be open to all of it. 

around this same time i signed up for Angie's online Fly mentoring.  as soon as she started offering Fly back in the fall, i knew that was something i needed.  my artist self was crying out for it.

Fly is not a workshop, it is a creative journey.  and it is only the beginning.  i keep referring to it as photography based therapy.  it has been a life changing experience.

i am nearing the end of the online group Fly.  i have changed so much and been so inspired to be no one else but me.  i am not going to put myself into this box that i think i should be.  i am not worrying about what anyone else is doing or saying. i am just going to be me.

my business has never been in a better place.  i am taking images i love, of clients i love. i am doing a mixture of documenting/lifestyle work as well as more the traditional portrait style.  i feel so much more connected and in control of my art.

Angie not only helped me see what was important to me in my business but as well as my personal side.  i need to be creative with almost everything i do.  it is what truly makes me happy.

enter my online journal.

i started out blogging when i was pregnant with my oldest daughter.  it was a way of sharing my pregnancy with my friends and family a far. shortly after i was blogging about my daughter. not too long after i found a love for photography and began blogging that journey of discover and learning.

my photography business has since taken off and blog very frequently there.  i share my passion of photography within my clients stories, as well as some of my personal stories.  yet i have always felt a bit held back to share too much of ME there.

there has always been a strong desire within me to share from my heart.  my online journal is going to be a place i can do that... through my photography and my words. it will be a mixture of my art. my children. my thoughts and feelings.  it is going to be whatever i want it to be.  this is my journey.  and i am excited beyond words.

i am ready to sing as i soar.

i will end this by quoting a fellow songbird: