mommy & me time


daycare days for Ashlyn, mean mommy and Brie time at home.  these are times i cherish so much. 

i often think about all the one on one Ashlyn time we had with me when she was this age.  there was nothing tearing me away from her.  no work to be done.  no emails or calls to return.  there was just time then.  

this breaks my heart and feel like i am depriving Briana.  so during our time on tuesdays and thursday's i try to make the most of the time we have.  we read books.  we sing songs.  play with her baby doll.  we cuddle.  we just be together.  no distractions.  

when nap time comes we go through the same familiar routine.  music plays.  cuddles and hugs as i sing to her. tuck her in with her monkey blanket. a soft "i love you. see you soon my love".  

after nap time we have a few moments for some more cuddles and hugs before we leave to go pick up Ashlyn. day care days were meant for me to be able to get some work done but it has turned into special time that i get to enjoy Brie all to myself.


Anonymous said...

i love this read robyn.. aidan will be going to kindergarten next fall and i need to do this with my drew. aidan goes to preschool but that 2 hour break isn't long enough for just drew and i. thank you for sharing great images of your children. amie

Faye said...

love reading your thoughts Robyn. You have such a way with words. Love seeing your images and quotes too... they definitely make me think... thank you for that :)

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