we do not change as we grow older,
we just become more clearly ourselves
{lynn hall}
it takes courage to be yourself and be true to you. i feel like i am just settling in on who i am. and what i want from my life. i can say that i am unconventional and slightly radical when it comes to a lot of issues. my beliefs are rarely main stream and i have been known to call myself an urban hippie. i question everything so i can make an informed decision.
allowing myself to be true to my feelings and ideas is just one step closer to more peace within me.
{artwork by brie & ashlyn}
i am taking small steps in another direction right now. a few people who are close to me know i have been thinking about homeschooling since ashlyn was born. i was constantly on the fence with this topic. i was letting other opinions fill me with doubt. but with support from Ben, my mom and a few friends i have decided to pick the side of the fence that just feels right for my family. and that is to try homeschooling.
of course we are over a year away from kindergarten. but this give us time to do a preschool curriculum this fall and really transform our home into a learning home. i have a lot of work to prepare, lots of things to consider in the away teaching methods. but i have been reading lot on the topic and reached out to my local community of homeschoolers. i am starting to figuring out the social aspect that we will be needing to add in. it is all a lot to think about but it feels right. and again it all just starts with one small step.
we’re scared, then we’re brave; we dare, then we falter. we take a baby step of purpose, laying those bricks with sweat, tears, and prayer each and every morning.
{jamie martin}
that article was like a great big hug. and it put my mind at easy to trust in my decision and know that it is more important how i think rather then what i know.
so yes, i maybe unconventional and far from mainstream. but that is ok. i am being true to myself and that is something i will never apologize for.
Like I said before, you are braver than I am to choose to homeschool! But I know Ash and Brie will be better for it. They couldn't have a better Mama!! :)
good for you for following your heart and also taking a leap of homeschooling your children! love the look of the images!!! what did you do, is that film? amie
Good for you, Robyn. Go forth with confidence that you are doing what is right for your family - and don't care if it's not the conventional thing to do. Every person and family is different and nobody should feel they need to conform to what general society things is correct.
I think it actually sounds like a really positive and fun thing to do.
what a journey ahead, eh? :) can't wait!
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